Uniting Georgia's military communities, veterans, and providers.

Collaborate. Educate. Serve.

The Network is long overdue. I learn so much from their meetings allowing me to better serve my veteran clients.
Susan M.
Finally! Someone is actually listening to us and coming up with real solutions to help.
Thomas "Rudder" K.
The coordination of providers in our area is fantastic. I didn't know half of them existed.
Jamie L.
Georgia Veterans Network
Tel. 770-973-0014
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© 2035 by United Military Care, Inc.

Together We Can
Working together across Georgia, our Network is building solutions to strengthen military communities and positively affect outcomes for Veterans of all ages. Uniting providers, communities and those who serve provides a 360 degree perspective highlighting challenges, needs, and solutions. Georgia has one of the largest Veteran and military populations in the United States. Over 750,000 Veterans call Georgia home in addition to nine active military installations and hundreds of thousands of military dependents. Together we are a united force committed to stability, simple navigation and higher standards of care for all who served.

Working with established communities and providers strengthens supportive efforts, reduces waste and duplication of services.

Educating the military community improves the quality of care received, managed expectations, and increased satsifaction.

Combining knowledge, passion, and strength provides a strong landscape for better outcomes, effective programs, and higher rates of success.